Thursday, September 26, 2013

21st century action


I have always spoken out against "politically correct" approaches. But some may misunderstand my intentions. I take a stance against apologetic approaches not mainstream approaches. Let me break it down for you and separate the two.

Lets first take a common aggressive stand point of groups like the NSM. I have went out given speeches at their rallies and have supported them in the past, i no longer publicly support their tactics. When they plan a rally they do so very far in advance. They pull permits and send out press releases. These press releases alert all members of the media, they also post them to public forums and even email them to anti racists groups. What is the impact here. Well, first it gives law enforcement the chance to track all involved. It gives them complete control over the situation and anyone living in reality in the 21st century knows law enforcement is the last people you want in control. Then to alert the anti racists (anti whites) of your activism is like if the American forces alerted the nazis what time and day we would invade Normandy! You give them ample time to prepare and organize against you. To rally their troops so to speak. In which they can literally have over ten times your numbers which only shows their strength to your weakness. Which shows the general public who the majority is, and in our modern mobacrosy the common man goes with the majorities opinion. Now to, in my opinion the worst aspect of this approach. The Media. No matter what you do or say in today's society the Jewish-Liberal run media is going to be against us and twist things against us. But to make matters worse when you give them ample warning to advertise their way you open the gates for them. They put articles out like "neo nazis bring hate to our town" and then they seek out opposition opinions from people like the SPLC and the ADL. They portray them as the sane peace keepers who wish to stop "evil". In which every liberal befuddled white is going to back up, by donating to them and supporting them against the "evil tide of hate" that the media is portraying. Lets not forget these groups survive primarily on fear mongering from our existence.

Now to the last negative aspect. Image. As i said before i have attended many NSM rallies in the past and what i have seen on TV and the Internet it hasn't changed. Oh and this isn't some attack specifically on the NSM, they are just one of many groups who do this. But i have seen them put the most undesirable individuals up front as images for our cause. Short fat toothless woman in 1940's SS helmets and skinny pathetic looking men as security all the while the leader is in a 3 piece suit. It looks like a bunch of meth addicts, in a trailer park on an episode of COPS, with their lawyer in wait! Not to mention the swastika is simply a negative image in today's society and their isn't anything anyone can do to change that. The damage is done, it is lost, let it go!

To wrap up:

1. Police controlled "opposition" protests.

2. Anti racist advantage.

3. Media demonizing.

4. Anti whites profiteering.

5. Negative imagery.

Now brothers and sisters does this sound in anyway to you as a recipe for success? I will let you come to your own conclusions to the continuation of such things, as i am sure you will come to the same as i have.

Now to the yang of this ying. The over the top apologetic approach. Their have always been those that seek to be more "mainstream" more PC with their approach. Some do so because of the above i mentioned and want to push themselves away from those types. Some do so simply out of fear of labels and some do it simply for extreme right wing money. In the Past you had your Jon Birch societies, in more modern types you have your Council of Conservative citizens, American 3rd position, stormfront and the like. You have even had certain people go as far as trying to start groups like the "guardians of diversity". These groups have most the same intentions but take such an opposite approach and seek such acceptance that they alienate themselves. They spend more time talking about how they are "not" like groups like above, nor are they "racist" or "hate". They essentially Judas their own beliefs in their attempt to make themselves different. They are like white power "hipsters". They lie to the public about their true intentions and standpoints. When people find out the true nature they are turned off simply because of deception. They look like fools and are made out to be fools by anti whites and the media. By trying a secretive mainstream approach that the enemy is not fooled by. Saying nonsense like "we seek diversity and equality for all". They seek to try to get people elected into the same corrupt government they admit themselves is unsalvagable. They have no problem however collecting tons of money from those foolish enough to support them. Those individuals who run it live comfortably off their constituents and supporters while they who support wait for action that never comes. They focus more on those who seek more aggressive approaches with web and radio criticism. Their form of activism is mainly regurgitating news with their own spin on it. Furthering our own peoples desensitization of the problem. I call this the spinning tire syndrome (which i will go more in depth on at a later time).

So to wrap up this.

1. Seeking mainstream acceptance through denial.

2. Alienation and criticism of others.

3. Deceptive intentions.

4. Profiteering off our own kin.

5. Pointless and defeatist political endeavours.

6. Media spin and regurgitation.

Now once again does this sound like a recipe for victory? I do not consider this as damaging as the first however but still not a path to salvation. It is more common approach as the worse are society gets the more fear of public criticism rises. And not to many people are willing to stand defiant. So they seek a safer approach seeking acceptance by denying their true intentions of a white society. All while oblivious to the fact it will not stop a horde of blacks from victimizing them ore ZOG from punishing them.

Well, so what do we stay defeatist and negative from the failures of both approaches? On the contrary in all darkness there is light. I have noticed lately a few groups and causes arise which contain the positives of both approaches but very little, if any, of the above negatives. (American vikings project, Free America Rally, etc.) Young in their inceptions, they have gained headway. Time will tell if they will maintain their originality and not fall on one side or the other. However, they have seemed to harness both aggressiveness, with the mainstream feel. Without compromising their intentions, simply to appease others. I personally enjoy seeing the evolution of our cause and have hope for the future. These aspects are important to maintain if the future holds victory for them.

1. Originality and aggressiveness

2. Honesty and integrity.

3. Selflessness and cooperation.

4. Positive imagery.

5. Defiance of media and law enforcement cooperation.

6. Security and Carefulness (not to be infiltrated and pushed to either aspect by those who seek to manipulate).

They do these things and maintain their path they will see progress. I support their actions and will aid them in anything they may need. I however i am a Creator and take a different path. This is not to say i will not show up to support them or help in anyway i can like i just said. Creativity is a different beast entirely. For those unfamiliar please read Natures Eternal Religion and you will see yourself. This article is not intended as an advertisement for The Creativity Movement but a personal take on what i see. I simply wish for those who take the wrong path to awaken and evolve or quite simply fuck off and disappear into oblivion. My opinion may be too harsh for some and for that i do NOT apologize. If you are offended by what i say don't read what i write. Or feel free to take it up with me personally: 3098309485 or if you are ever in central Illinois as i rarely travel anymore 1233 holiday dr. bloomington, IL. Have a nice day. Rev Logsdon

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