Setting the record straight: Vice Magazine
Brothers and sisters, i normally try to reserve my writings for independent thought, inspiration and direction. However, it seems i need to clarify an issue that arised last year in which an anti white liberal stooge posed as an art critic and supportive, took our conversation, twisted it by misquoting and flat out lying and posted it as an actual interview. In turn the parasitic internet trolls with "Caliens Alliance" are using it to defame me and TCM. What a shock huh?
So let me indeed clarify what really happened. I recieved an email from this person on jan 12th 2013 (40ac) in which he was curious about the oil paintings i have. These are PM Klassens original oil paintings done by Jim Von Brunn in the late 80's. He wanted to know more about them plus other miscelaneous drawings and depictations done by random people over the years. I told him it would be easier to contact me via telephone, he agreed and called me. No where in the email messages did he say he was with any magazine or any form of media. When he called, i asked him why he was interested, because the paintings were not for sale. He said he was just "in to art" and that he was with an online magazine that specialized in such things. At no point in time were we doing an "interview". He just wanted to ask some questions. So let me go through this "interview" point out the truths and misquotes.
Here is the complete interview .
Right off the bat you will notice the "photos by Ron McMann" Well, this is a clear example of incompotence by a wannabe liberal journalist. He thought it was Ron McVan who did it, i told him on the phone it wasnt so apparently he just changed the name. LoL.
Julian Morgan:
If you’re a big racist, this is your kind of art. I found these paintings on the homepage of the Creativity Movement, a self-professed religion promoting "White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination and White Liberation via 100 percent legal activism." And yes, it’s all wrong, but something about the paintings stuck with me. They’re the kind of awkward renderings Napoleon Dynamite might come up with if he was into military chicks and Nazism, which is a combo you just don’t see enough of. I tried to interview the artist, a guy named Ron McMann, but he wouldn’t speak to me. Luckily, the leader of the Creativity Movement—one Reverend James Logsdon—did agree to talk, so I called him at his home in Bloomington, Illinois. We were meant to discuss art, but we ended up in a conversation about life. From a very, very racist perspective.
Well, if someone cant tell this is a complete liberal douche. But according to the "Calien Alliance and co.", he must be an accredited journalist. Or do they believe a liberal anti white would never lie? This talk we had was indeed a little personal, he told me stories on his life i said a few on mine and once again this WAS NEVER AN INTERVIEW! On top of the fact he posed as an conservative semi supportive individual. Ok his first question.
VICE: Hi James. So when I write the article I’ll probably refer to you as a racist. Is that OK?
Reverend James Logsdon: Oh yeah, that’s fine. Racist is not a negative word. Over the last 30-40 years it’s become a bad word but there was a time in America and Australia too, when being racist was normal. It’s just these liberals that say society was horrible back then. Was it? You look at the 1950s, was society really that bad? So now the term, racist, no, I use that word with pride.
Ok some of this is true. When he asked me if i refer to myself as a racist i said sure. It is the media who twisted and coined the term into a term of loathing and contempt. In which 50-60 years ago such term wasnt used as a term for whites with contempt for blacks as it was a common practice of racial loyalty. I also went on to say to him, look at the 40's and 50's america. Did we have the crime rate, disease rate, poverty rate? The same issues that have come with a multi racial society?
OK, let’s talk art. I’ve noticed all this blond hair, clean, Nordic landscapes – it all seems to scream purity. Can you tell me why?
Well, we’ve adopted the whole Aryan thing from Nazi philosophy. You know the blonde hair and blue eyes are all supposed to be the most pure aspects of the white race but that’s just genetics. People can have blond hair and blue eyes and not be of that purist European genealogy. Likewise, white people can also have brown or red hair so the idea that people have to be blond to be pure, I don’t support that. I would personally rather show pictures of white families as a symbol of pure genealogy. The symbolism of purity in terms of blood line is important to us but not the specifics. I personally don’t support the Nazi stuff at all.
Some of this is true as well. I did talk with him about how the majority of the movement ideolizes nazi philosophy and how images, although twisted by the media have been potrayed wrong. I did say i didnt support the superiority complex of certain pro whites on the "who is whiter" campaign. It seperates racially bonded people simply from cultural indifference. I have seen many dumbasses who claim to be pro white say that Italians, Greeks and Spainards arent white. This is a travesty caused by the same stereotypes created by the media of Nazi philosophy.
And what’s with all the hot girls?
Women are the future of any race; of any people. Also we’re looking to inspire people and there’s nothing more that inspires a man than a woman. That’s just in general, for any heterosexual man anyway.
I said this in more or less words. I also said it is a selling point. The Jewish media has been using woman in advertising for quite some time. So we use it as well, but not to manipulate or denegrate our women, but to show men what they are fighting for.
What percentage of pro-white movement are women?
I’d say 10 – 15 percent. Very few women become involved as activists and the problem is that we’ve got a lot of aggressive men who can be intimidating. You know, skinheads and fights – they’re not very appealing images to women.
Well, that is true. I didnt say the last however, like that. I understand the Beta male internet trolls never go out to pro white events so they dont understand what i am getting at here. However, the scene for many years have been a testosterone dominated scene. Chauvanistic in other words. That a skinhead concert or a pro white rally wasnt the place for the average woman. So indeed these events have been about 90% men. That doesnt mean women are not involved, on the contrary our women play a more important role then ever. They have been essential keys to organising, planning events, web work, and most importantly child bearing. I understand to the collection of sterile, middle aged net nazi's out there who probably havent had their little tally wacker wet in sometime that obviously dont know what i am talking about. However, the key to the future is our women. But to these people using this article to defame me, i guess the future lies in blogs, websites and their ego's.
Are you aggressive?
Well, five and a half years in a maximum security prison here in Illinois, yeah, I would say I’m an aggressive person. I’m also a former closed fist boxer so I’ve been a fighter all my life. As I’ve become more of a family man though, I’ve began to settle down.
Really? Being supposedly being interviewed he would just ask that out of nowhere? No! We were talking about our lives, how he hasnt had many interactions with violent non whites so he never had a reason to hate them. I told him that is pretty common, that most whites who have been sheltered away from the realities of multiculturalism, dont realize the problem. So he asked me how i became the way i am. I went into a short story of my life, including how i wasnt as racially aware until being attacked and stabbed by non whites in prison. The "closed fist" thing shows how this guy picked and choosed to manipulate the conversation. I was a former youth golden gloves competitor, undefeated but disqualified from injuries. I told him how i traveled, fought and have since calmed down since because of a wife and kids.
So you’re a family man?
Yep. Married with four kids. So I’m pretty much what you might say is normal but unfortunately in this movement, and I’ll be blunt honest with you, 80 to 90% of the people involved are social outcasts. They were people who were never accepted and they find the pro-white movement easily accepting. That then encourages the negative stereotype that we have in the movement. That’s a stigma that me and a few others are trying to fix.
Said it and standing by it! If we are to attract new people to this cesspool of self gratifying, egotistical, self righteous internet trolls we must be honest. This movement has become a joke way more the before. I want new people to realise how desperate this movement and cause is. We must not allow people to believe that THESE people are the saviors or solution to white genocide! That is why we need them, new blood to follow the philosophy not the social interactions. To rebuild what they have destroyed. Fuck the "movement" Hail the CAUISE!
Can I ask why you’re so angry?
Well, I was raised by a Vietnam veteran and he was very disgruntled with Asians. This meant I was raised in an aggressive and, what you might say, racist household. Then I had to go to an all black school and I was the minority so I had to put my back against the wall. Being angry was always just going to happen.
Once again REALLY?!?! He brought up their asian problems in australia and i told him about how my father was a vietnam vet and had a dislike for them. I told him how i was raised but not in those words. Yet more twisting and manipulating a personal conversation.
Were you friends with any of the black students at school?
Oh I wouldn’t say friends but acquaintances, yeah. I wouldn’t use the word "friend" loosely anyway. I think if you have one or two friends, true friends, in your whole life then you’re lucky.
This was brought up and yes i knew blacks and still do. Anyone who saus differently is full of crap. Or living in a hole, under a rock. But no never friends.
Alright, let’s go back to the art. What’s good art and what’s bad art?
I think good art is technical ability. I’ve seen a lot of art out there that is just complete garbage. It gets promoted by some of these art enthusiasts because of its message and I’m looking at it and you just see a bunch of paint blobs. Here’s another aspect of art – I’m covered in tattoos and I consider a lot of tattoo artists to be amazing, especially if they can do a free-hand.
Once again true but distorted. I told him that what our society calls art is a travesty. A jailhouse nigger can throw some paint blots on a canvass and liberals say its an "expression of innercity oppresion". I did say i find tattoos to be more of a modern form of artistic ability that has grown more popular over thes years.
Do you look like Edward Norton in American History X?
No, he’s got more tattoos than me. I’ve only got 19 and a lot of those are actually complete shit. I’ve got this 18 inch Celtic knight blending into a tribal art piece on my stomach and chest and it’s just completely horrible. It’s just a big black blob that’ll cost me $10,000 to remove.
This of course is an outright lie! That was never discussed. I did say however in the above conversation that some of my tattoos are horrible and i would like to get them removed.
I’ve seen a photo of it. It’s the one with the swastika and it looks pretty permanent. This makes me ask, have you ever wondered if you’re wrong?
You know, the only time I’ve wondered if I’m wrong, is when I’ve ran for my own people and they’ve given me nothing but negativity. It’s not that I feel then that I’m wrong in my mission, it’s that I’m wasting my time. Every time I’ve gone to a rally over the years, over 95% of the people who’ve showed up to protest are my own people. They just don’t even want to be saved. This makes me think it’s fruitless.
When he asked me if i regret my actions of the past. I told him of course, who doesnt. As far as my tattoos go. However i said i never felt this cause was wrong in anyway only that many dont want to be saved and others dont deserve saving.
Does this make you feel alone?
Oh completely. Completely. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it. The important thing is that when I lay my head down at night I know I’m doing the right thing.
Said it and stand by it! In the time of revolution a patriot is a scarce man. But when his cause succeeds everyone is patriotic because the cost is nothing. A quote who has been attributed to many people.
So if you’re doing the right things, have your beliefs and actions made your life better?
Absolutely not. A few years ago I was building houses and I had 19 guys working for me and I was making $70,000 a year. Now, I can’t get a job pumping gas. Now the first thing any employer does is Google my name and believe me, no employer wants to be tied to someone with my history. So actually, it’s completely destroyed my life but in the long run I know it’ll be worth it.
Said some of it but not in that way. I talked about how much i have lost in the fight for Creativity and racial loyalty. On how i continue to struggle because my racialism, however that is the cause i MUST give, plus more. I would much rather use a psuedo internet persona, hide myself away from reality..... well no i am not that way. I am not a coward. But i would rather be working full time, for a big company and live the life of a "joe blow". However this isnt a want to thing, this is a have to thing.
Worth it how?
Believe me, things are going to get very, very ugly. You just look at the common decline of society; you’d have to be blind to say that doesn’t exist. And whatever the effects in my life, I just have to look beyond that. I have to put myself aside so that we can all have a better future.
This, as taken out of context, is not far from the truth. I and others in TCM are not anonymous internet personas who can judge and slander because we hide our true selves. We know who we are and what we fight for. A man who uses this twisted liberal attack, then on their open forum, claims they recruited this person, says volumes.
To summarize the purpose of this. The CA net nazi's will use anything, no matter how pathetic and trivial to attack others and elivate themselves. Becasue they live in a world of lies and of dillusion. Stroking each others ego's over minimal internet activity. Because their personal lives are so sad and pathetic that they have to form some false sense of reality, an alter ego for themselves so they do not have to face the reality of what they are.
This article and its aftermath are a testament not only to the manipulation of anti white media but that of the degeneracy of posers who inhabitate this cause.
Rev Logsdon