I have been asked several times what i think about recent activism. For one, any action is better then no action. If people hit the streets and confront our enemies its far better then sitting on the Internet and complaining. Unless of course they are designed specifically for distraction and negative imagery and/or control resistance, which i will get into and another time. However recent actions leave me pondering several things and asking questions.
As a Creator i stand strict to the teachings of "never again through a serpents eye". For those that are unfamiliar with these teachings, please look it up in the White Mans bible. But it essentially teaches us to never look at life through the eyes of our enemies. To never justify, sympathize, or relate to the standpoints of our enemies. These are tactics of our enemies to pacify us to the plight of those working for our destruction. To detract us into relating to them which leads to our wanting to "work" with them because "we are working for common goals". But yet these racial enemies do not know nor care for the "plight" of the white man. They simply will use you then stab you in the back. Same can be said for christian militants who simply want to use us then openly say they will "hunt us down and kill all no Christians" after the race war. However, point being i cannot justify wasting time debating or arguing with those who are too stupid, or refuse to learn the truth. Many know the truth yet still engage in our destruction because that is their goal.
Which is the topic of this article. Arguing with communists, liberals or anti whites is nothing more then verbal masturbation. You are not going to convince them any different, because their goal is to destroy our people. If you beat them in an argument, which is easy to do, to what end. To quite the anti white crowd listening to you? Yea right they are shouting and chanting constantly to drown out what you are saying for a reason, because they know what you are saying is right!!! They just don't care. Is it for the videos put on YouTube which 99% percent of viewers are already awakened whites! Yea that's real constructive. No matter how you view it, it does not aid our cause nor does it awaken our people.
We as a people need to get away from this thinking. Instead, i will present this solution. Fight fire with fire. No not protest their event like they do ours. I am talking about their true tactics of fear and intimidation. Example, this recent Tim Wise event, in which as i can applaud those that attended (simply because action is better then inaction. And it is their choice not mine so far for me to judge.) i essentially have to ask "to what end"? What did it accomplish and how did it aid our people? It might of made a few young already anti white students double think for a second, but then they get home turn on MTV or CNN and its gone. Wasting time on those with no hope or future is essentially futile. However, getting back to the point of fight fire with fire. Find out where these people like wise live. " And before any zog agent or informant takes that the wrong way i am, nor will never present or participate in any illegal violent actions. " But after you find out where he lives, go to his neighborhood, go door to door with his picture and address, present truth about who he is and what he represents. Put out flyer's about him in his own neighborhood along the same lines. Essentially turn his own community against him, the same way they do to us! Protest in front of his house, hell flyer his neighborhood with a flyer that has his picture and say under it "Wanted for criminal sexual assault to farm animals"! (make sure you put for entertainment purposes only. As to avoid libel) anything you can do to make his life hard and send him in the shadows like they do to us. Take the fight to them, instead of meeting them on THEIR battlefield. On THEIR conditions.
And before anyone says this is easier said then done, i have done it! In my home town we had a group called NIOT (not in our town). This was more of your political intimidation and extortion based group. They used a Jewish mayor by the name Markowitz to further their gains. They succeeded in putting Racism crossed out signs on every entrance into town. The straw that broke the camels back was when my mothers work received this letter. Now there was no ties to her with me or her work, it was simply random to all local businesses. The letter stated that they were doing a seminar on racism in the workplace, it was essentially anti white with the guise of anti racist. They were inviting all employers to attend. My mothers boss was annoyed by it. My mom called me and i went down to her work to look at it. On the letter it states in order to attend said seminar/dinner you had to RSVP. So her boss called to refuse and tell them he was not interested. After saying they were not interested they told him "Sir we do not want to label your business a racist business but we will if we have to.". He told them to F off and hung up. That is extortion and intimidation! We called the police and they told us they could not do anything unless they actively defamed or protested the business because of its refusal to attend. This is essentially mob style tactics. Pay us for protection or we will send people in to rob you. Instead pay us to say your not racist or we are going to tell everyone your racist. Granite this employer called their bluff but think of how many simply paid out of fear! So between me and some locals we did our homework. Without going into detail we found out dirt on these people and exposed them. This was in 05 and as they still claim to have an office here they have not held a public seminar nor gained any foothold. The mayor who backed them was not re-elected and they slipped into obscurity.
In closing, the Jew Einstein coined the term of insanity best. Insanity: repeating the same things over and over again expecting a different result. That has been this "movement" in a nutshell. We can blame its failure on many things but the outcome of every action will be the same if you do not evolve and adapt. My racial comrades, think outside the box, trial and error and evolution are our keys to success. RAHOWA! Rev James Logsdon.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Brutality, the needed spark.
There is no ideology, philosophy, political aspect or organization that will be the cause of the coming race war. If history has shown us anything it is words are hollow to action. It is not our words that have been awakening our people. Sure on occasion we might find one or two here and there that are borderline anyway that awaken from our words. But in no way is it enough to bring about what we need and that is a complete revolution.
When you turn over an engine you first need a spark to get it going. We have not been nor will be that "spark". It is the pure brutality and savagery from the non white community that has enraged our people. From the growing numbers of racially motivated attacks on whites that the media cannot ignore, to the deterioration of major cities and of course the actions of the black Messiah himself Obama. I could post endless links but unless you have been living in a cave you already know. These are things that slowly spark the engine of our inevitable revolution. The more brutal the more outrage. I know you feel it as well as i. When we see these things on the news we cringe and feel the spark of hate. It effects us more as we are more enlightened and awakened. However the outrage your common white feels is one more of fear then hate. This is where we need to capitalize our efforts. To instill a sense of hope and urgency in these people. That they need to do something to protect themselves and their future. As i said before we cannot force a revolution, that will come from their brutality. What we can do is educate and prepare those that we can, while we can. While these issues are fresh in the hearts and minds of our people. make up flyer's that portray the same images and put a title like "think your safe in a multiracial society? So did these people!" be inventive with it but also give a sense of hope with THEIR actions. This will hopefully spark some action. This is simplistic and easy. If you do not want to promote an organization or ideology simply say at the end. "A victims only crime is being white and failing to act when needed. Don't be a victim and don't let anyone else." Something along those lines, point being if we see these things and do absolutely nothing but bitch about it to each other then we are a bigger part of the problem then those that perpetrate it! We also need to take great heed to what is coming and stop talking about a revolution but prepare for it. or else we will find ourselves along the lists of casualties. RAHOWA! Rev Logsdon
Religous insecurities
Religous insecurity.
I rarely comment about one of our key fundamentals of Creativity and that is our stance on other religions mainly christianity. I find many get offended by our opinions and it leads to unnecessary fights. Mainly on the internet. When i have given speeches in public about our standpoints i rarely am met with the same resistance. But many fail to realize just who and what we as Creators are simply from our restraint in vocalising our opinions. We have done so out of unity, out of cooperation and out of respect for those who fail to show us the same common courtesy. I believe this is something us as Creators need to change. If one cannot handle our opinion and respect us then they are not our brothers. Our opinion about other religions are with the problems we have with the RELIGION and not the adherent. It is due to peoples insecurities in what they believe that prompts hatred for our convictions. The same insecurity that prevents them from seeing the difference between an attack on the belief itself and not a personal attack. This is something i will break down.
I was raised in a Lutheran family, though my father wasn't religious the rest of my family was. I remember the hell of being forced to dress in uncomfortable clothes and sit for hours listening to a man read stories from a book that made no sense and then being forced to sit in Sunday school for even longer "learning" and being disciplined if i didn't remember everything or pay attention. As i got older i started seeing things that didn't make sense. I started asking questions and was scolded for asking and told it was blasphemy. My father never attended he sat at home or went fishing. He essentially had fun and accomplished house work or something while i and my grandparents were sitting doing the same thing over and over in church. This i realized later was programing. I talked to my father about it and he ceased it. This didn't come without repercussions however. He received massive backlash from my then highly religious family, my father was a man of deep convictions and would not budge from any decision he made. I was also expelled from the private christian school i attended for not conforming with the mandated attendance. I was forced to go to public schools that in my neighborhood were majority black. This is essentially the starting point that made me the person i am.
After moving on from the conventional christian lifestyle, the debate did not end. As the rest of my family was devote christians this prompted many arguments. I educated myself in all aspects including even force reading the bible endlessly. I must admit however i did not read it and study it as a believer as i was forced to do so in my childhood, but as an objectifier. I found flaw after flaw, hypocrisy after hypocrisy. Only solidifying my new resolve. As they (my family) were Lutheran i read up on Martin Luther and discovered how anti Semitic he was. So i more then willingly accepted the invitations from any who wished to debate. Including the Church's pastor, who at my shock knew absolutely nothing about Martin Luther but was an ordained Lutheran pastor! After years of debating and winning with my family i won. As some of them still claimed to be christian the same conformist programing is virtually non existent with the exception of one nephew who attends the same school. In which the school itself is such an academically lesser standard then any other school in the area as it spends more time teaching religion then what children should be learning. So with this i found my family growing more then ever. Intellectually, politically and saw them prosper more then ever. There was something to this but i still had more questions.
Why do people fall into this trap of conformity? I understand some need disciplined structure in their life. They hold on to it as a security blanket. But as an outside observer of all these other religions i discovered something very unique in all of them. A common trait, they all have the basic belief of "hope" and "faith" based viewpoints. However there is something else i noticed. The need for validation! This is something that always baffled me. Why do people need to gather in groups and profess their convictions to the sky? I understand this is essentially part of conformity but theres more to it. From Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and christianity it is the pure need for validation in others that keeps them from realizing the fallacies of their beliefs. This is complete insecurity! In any belief structure that requires "hope" and "faith" essentially your relationship is between you and "God" so why the need to gather in a large group and pray in your head? There are other reasons for this like religious profiteers who tell you to "send your money to god but give it to me" types. But theres more to it then that. While they sit in the pugh bowing their heads praying to god, peeking at others around them and constantly staring at their watches waiting for it to be over, they have no idea they have fell victim to an age old sickness. These are just as much sheep in need of awakening as the common ignorant white unaware of the world around him and his own genocide. I do not have to get into the actual teachings of Christianity with this post. Like suicidal teachings of "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy". I am sure many who will read this blog are aware of that and i am sure i will cover it at some point. Also if you would like to know please feel free to read Natures Eternal Religion. This is just one of many flaws i find in fundamental religions. Being a Creator we do not have these problems as ours is not a religion of "faith" but one of logic, common sense and fact. It is cold an calculated and if someone cannot agree with that then they have more of a problem with reality and not what we say.
In closing this is why those that attack us have to attack us as individuals and not our religion. The exact opposite of what we do. We attack what they believe not who they are. This is simply their insecurities and something us as creators need to learn to live with as we wish to awaken them not alienate them. We must realize this when confronting these issues. But not waste too much time with any one individual. There are many out there who will never see the light. Unlike many of our christian kin we do not seek their destruction after our victory. Like killing off all non believers like many CI followers claim and then wonder why will not work with them or support them but i will get into that at a later time. If we win then we will simply hold true to the option and freedom to believe what you want. However in a majority non christian prospering community i am sure a forceful indoctrination will be not tolerated. A faith based religion would be heckled and ridiculed. Anyway once again understand the insecurity these people live with and then you know how to approach and argument with them. RAHOWA!
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