When i was young one of the more popular childrens books were those of Dr Suess. One story in particular that reminds me a great deal of a common theme in the pro white cause, is Suess's "yertle the turtle". The story is about a turtle name yurtle, duh right? But yurtle was king of the pond and commanded all the other turtles. He at first wanted to be above (physically) of other turtles so he told one turtle named mack to let him stand on his back. You can already see the Suess theme here, yertle-turtle, mack back, etc. After getting on macks back he then wanted to be taller then the rocks, then the birds, calling more and more turtles in to stand on one another, all the while poor mack is at the bottom of this pile. Eventually, yurtles greed and jealousy led him to ridiculous hieghts when he noticed the moon and was angry when he wasnt higher then it. So he called in more turtles and attempted to go higher when poor mack at the bottom let out a large burp and the tower of turtles came crashing down. Leaving yertle on his back in the mud. The moral of the story is that when someone tries to use others to "rise" above, it will always come crashing down.
I find it ironic that i think of this analogy to compare to the movement when the Jew Suess admitted later it was a take on Hitlers dictatorship that inspired that story for him. But the theme i am refering to is this constant need for others to jump on every opportunity to use someones bad choices or misfortunes to elevate themselves in some fashion. Wether it be from a false sense of moral authority, personal arrogance or egotism and/or shear jealousy. It could be from them despising and hating the other or simply because it is a rut, a common action within this cause to kick somebody while they are down and trying to make others and ourselves feel better with our actions or inactions. If one is to be be truly better then the other he must achieve that through his own actions, through his own acomplishments and deeds. By using someone elses bad choices or mistakes to compare your false sense of a better worth, is like a pretty girl taking a ugly girl out to the club with her to look better by comparison. It is a false sense of reality. When the truth is told that comparison, that false elevation is swept away and all that is left is ones own self. His own worth and that is based solely on his actions and deeds. If he has spent all his time falling into the "yurtle the turtle" syndrome, using others misfortunes, like, i wouldnt do this or i would do this. I dont do this and i dont do that. I wont work with this person because of this, etc, etc, etc. Then we will see the shallow empty efforts and sentiment behind said person. Not to mention we all have faults and those that point out others with regular frequency are usually those who have more to hide.
I could give you numerous examples but it goes on so frequently that i would be here all day and no one would read all of it. Plus i would be falling into the same trap. It is one thing to point out truthful things when NECCASARY, but not to make one look better or to further ones own cause. Instead i offer this, as stated before, make your own credit and worth based off your own actions. Better yourself, learn from others mistakes and if you feel the need to try to rectify someones actions then tell THAT person. Offer him suggestions and help changing and focussing on a better alternative. Not scream it out from everyone to see like an attention whore. Saying "see, see, i told you i am better look at me, look at me." The actions of a needy child and is someone insecure with themselves. If that person is unwillingly to change or unable because of insecurities and stubborn pride then simply ignore them. Turn your back and focus on what YOU are doing then if you are truly better it doesnt need to be said.
In this cause most focus on the social comparisons and rivalries completly void of true proggress and enlightment. They spend too much time on what other already racially aware people think and do, instead of what they are and can be doing. However we cannot save everybody, and some shouldnt be saved. Simply ignore the childish actions and banter until they wither away or get the point. To sum this up my brother and sisters we must avoid the "yertle the turtle" syndrome and focus on bettering ourselves on our own accord and actions. This is, however, is just one of our many faults as a cause and people. When we see them we must eliminate them. Because only by bettering ourselves can we be the men and women we must, to change the things we must. With that may we together win this Racial Holy War. Rev James Logsdon.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Are we follower or promoters
I have ran into many people that claim to follow the faith of creativity and spend more time judging others for not following creativity the way they do. This deeply upsets me and makes me bang my head against the wall frustrated on the ignorant arrogance of some. If you are a true follower of our creed you will know our main goal is to promote our faith. Who is and who isn't a "better" follower is irrelevant to the greater cause. If you have a small group of creators that sit around and say "we are the true followers Klassens teachings" all the while do not convert, awaken or educate anyone for years, this does not make them a creator, this makes them a condescending douche! Many of us know people and groups like this.
I have been real close this year, closer then any other, to just giving up on creativity. The constant back biting, internal bickering, ZOG intimidation and lack of support from our adherents has drove me to a life of depression, alcoholism and bitterness. When i evaluate why i came to this and look for a way to dig myself out of this rut and hole i have found myself in, i must look at why. I will not blame others because i allowed their actions to influence me and drag me into this pit of destructiveness. The same pit i tried dragging others out of in the past, i found myself in. Without the support of others or the ability to take some real personal time to myself like i tried in the past. Its kinda hard to focus on yourself when people call everyday with their problems. I do not have it in me to abandon any of my brothers in their time of need. Many have said my heart is my biggest problem. Anyway, i had to find a way out of it myself. I did and that is through the teachings of creativity. I have to learn to throw off the negativity that surrounds us and realign our course. I will quit drinking and smoking and start focusing on the promotion of our creed. I want to move to a more salubrious diet but one thing at a time. After this, my personal evaluation and outcome i have also come to the big realization of what i started this article out as.
One cannot simply be a follower of creativity. If you follow our teachings but yet do not promote it, then that is as if you are condemning those you come into contact with to a life of ignorance. A creator must learn to care about his fellow white man and educate those he can when he can. Instead of simply looking down at him for not believing what we do. That's is the actions of a christian and not a creator. We are essentially missionaries for life.
When the Jews spread Christianity through the roman empire they did so because they had thousands willing to die for theirs. Because they had 100,000 who followed Judaism ruthlessly. They didn't just except Judaism and then say "oh that's good enough" or "well i am a true follower of Judaism". No! Nor does any adherent or convert of any religion just stop with themselves. Nor should we. Nor can we! It is our holy duty to stop at nothing to educate our people. If you have hit everyone in your circle, then expand your circle. become socialites, learn to become promoters of our creed. Essentially become missionaries of our faith. For the truth. Disregard the nonsense that may have dragged you down, like it did my self and others. Discover we are bigger, far bigger then ourselves and you will see our bright future. Let TCM be the promoters of our creed and then in a hundred years, no one will debate nor care who was the better creator, or even know. Or will it even matter as long as we do our job of awakening our kin. RAHOWA! Rev Logsdon.
A short re-evaluation of the pro-white "christian" movement.
I have always been willing to work with anyone regardless of what religion they claim. As long as it is not in direct contradiction to the teachings of creativity. I have associated with and will continue to, with people from other faiths as long they show respect or at least restraint when it comes to criticizing mine. However in our 40 years of existence it is all too clear that we do not receive the same restraint or respect we have given those who obviously do not deserve it. So a no holds bar re-evaluation of this Jewish doctrine is not only needed but much warranted. This is not an attack on every christian nor of any individual. It is an attack on the faith itself and the actions of its adherents. WARNING, if you are a christian and are easily offended stop reading now.
The claim that Christianity is in any way a European religion, no matter how they spin it, is just plain sad. All historical fact clearly proves that its origins are pure Semitic in totality. But those who try to spin it to say it is European are even more twisted then those that blatantly follow the destructive Jewish teachings.
Bestiality at the center of their existence.
In CI (christian identity) studies i found that their belief is this. In genesis when the serpent seduced eve into eating the forbidden fruit. They insinuate that eve and the serpent actually had intercourse and that the first child "Cain" according to God was cursed. Then Cain slew abel his twin which was in some way the son of Adam and god banished Cain to wander the earth forever. They say Cain is the father of the Jewish race. Adam and Eve went on and founded the rest of societies population. So in other words the Jew is the half brother of us, and his father is Satan disguised as a serpent, who the mother of "our" existence according to them slept with. Confused yet? This is what they ACTUALLY believe! This is no more the product of a near millennium of forced indoctrination. A twisted form of thinking designed to confuse and befuddle the mind. You can take 1,000 people have them read the bible and without influence have 1,000 different perceptions. It is specifically designed to always keep your thinking unbalanced. Most are taught through their forced indoctrination that if they question any fallacies it was blasphemy and a sin. You were forced to except something that doesn't make sense. And even if you disregard the human punishments for questioning or better yet "blasphemy" then you will suffer an eternity of eternal damnation. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
The savior of your destruction.
Many who adapt to a different form of thinking, such as Lutheranism. One i know well because i was raised in it. Teaches you to disregard the old teachings that are so confusing and simply adapt the teachings of Christ. When it is Christ himself who said in Matthew, when confronted by a rabbi, if he defied the old teachings he said "i am not here to condemn any of the old teachings, but to fulfill them". So by his own words does he not deny he follows the same degenerate thought of Judaism but promises to fulfill them. And anyone who has read the old testament knows it speaks about nothing other then Jewish supremicism. The CI folk will tell you we are the true Israelite, but in those days they made it clear they and Jesus, that they were different then Europeans (mainly Romans). So i have always wanted an answer that i never received in debate from any CI guy. If we are the true Israelite and the Romans are our enemies and the rest of Europeans why do you claim that the twelve tribes of Israel are the twelve white nations of Europe when Jesus himself made a very clear distinction between them and white Europeans???
I truly swear i can go on and on and site thousands of potholes in their road of insanity but to what avail? Everything i am am talking about is derivative of NER and Klassens teachings. Anyone who follows the teachings of creativity knows the teachings of Christ are all fiction because his existence is merely based on unvalidated testimony and not historical facts or findings. However it is important to us to have weapons of truth at our side when we engage with those we can awaken. I do not need to go into any more proof in regards to the mentally chaotic teachings of Christianity and can say no more damaging things then one can hear then they will learn when they, actually reading the bible! Instead lets look at a couple actions of the followers themselves.
If one truly believes in this faith then why do they so desperately need validation from others? I speak of course of attending church. You sit their and pray in your head, praying for things you can attain yourself instead you ask "god" to provide them. They sit their asking "god" for forgiveness their transgressions, or "sins". They sit there and listen to a man speak from a book they are all suppose to read and own, explaining his take on the things they don't understand about said book instead of thinking for themselves (remember indoctrination). They attend these weekly events as they say it is required, when in reality it is no more then them seeking validation from one another. The validation that they are not alone in this faith. A faith that is suppose to be between you and god but seemingly is between you and others. But where is god?
Let us not forget those that grow violent or angry with those that do not follow this insanity. They threaten to use us, then exterminate us. Lash out at us and condemn us all for their own insecurities. These people are mentally unstable and after looking at the above you can see anyone who follows this and gets offended clearly is. If one is set and comfortable in his belief and his relationship with "god" what does it matter what i say because according to their belief we will burn in eternal damnation and they should pray for our soul. Their are those who we can pull out of the suction of stupidity that is Christianity but we must approach it with not so much of a judgemental overtone but one of inquisitive perception. Ask questions that are obvious, that put them on the spot and even if they get angry they are going to be up at night trying to convince themselves of the lies they have been indoctrinated to believe. The hole "your god is a dead Jew on a stick" routine is not going to make them think and question their ludicrous belief but simply make them defensive and aggressive to what they have been taught.
Remember always my brothers and sisters, our fight is one to awaken our kin not to alienate or persecute them. If one is hopeless then simply move on and avoid their ignorance. Nor is it our job to rile up our racial enemies. We must stay away from that until we have strength in our numbers. Because we will find us fighting our own rather then our true racial enemies, as we have now. Once we have awaken enough of our own kin the fight will be inevitable. RAHOWA! Rev Logsdon
The claim that Christianity is in any way a European religion, no matter how they spin it, is just plain sad. All historical fact clearly proves that its origins are pure Semitic in totality. But those who try to spin it to say it is European are even more twisted then those that blatantly follow the destructive Jewish teachings.
Bestiality at the center of their existence.
In CI (christian identity) studies i found that their belief is this. In genesis when the serpent seduced eve into eating the forbidden fruit. They insinuate that eve and the serpent actually had intercourse and that the first child "Cain" according to God was cursed. Then Cain slew abel his twin which was in some way the son of Adam and god banished Cain to wander the earth forever. They say Cain is the father of the Jewish race. Adam and Eve went on and founded the rest of societies population. So in other words the Jew is the half brother of us, and his father is Satan disguised as a serpent, who the mother of "our" existence according to them slept with. Confused yet? This is what they ACTUALLY believe! This is no more the product of a near millennium of forced indoctrination. A twisted form of thinking designed to confuse and befuddle the mind. You can take 1,000 people have them read the bible and without influence have 1,000 different perceptions. It is specifically designed to always keep your thinking unbalanced. Most are taught through their forced indoctrination that if they question any fallacies it was blasphemy and a sin. You were forced to except something that doesn't make sense. And even if you disregard the human punishments for questioning or better yet "blasphemy" then you will suffer an eternity of eternal damnation. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
The savior of your destruction.
Many who adapt to a different form of thinking, such as Lutheranism. One i know well because i was raised in it. Teaches you to disregard the old teachings that are so confusing and simply adapt the teachings of Christ. When it is Christ himself who said in Matthew, when confronted by a rabbi, if he defied the old teachings he said "i am not here to condemn any of the old teachings, but to fulfill them". So by his own words does he not deny he follows the same degenerate thought of Judaism but promises to fulfill them. And anyone who has read the old testament knows it speaks about nothing other then Jewish supremicism. The CI folk will tell you we are the true Israelite, but in those days they made it clear they and Jesus, that they were different then Europeans (mainly Romans). So i have always wanted an answer that i never received in debate from any CI guy. If we are the true Israelite and the Romans are our enemies and the rest of Europeans why do you claim that the twelve tribes of Israel are the twelve white nations of Europe when Jesus himself made a very clear distinction between them and white Europeans???
I truly swear i can go on and on and site thousands of potholes in their road of insanity but to what avail? Everything i am am talking about is derivative of NER and Klassens teachings. Anyone who follows the teachings of creativity knows the teachings of Christ are all fiction because his existence is merely based on unvalidated testimony and not historical facts or findings. However it is important to us to have weapons of truth at our side when we engage with those we can awaken. I do not need to go into any more proof in regards to the mentally chaotic teachings of Christianity and can say no more damaging things then one can hear then they will learn when they, actually reading the bible! Instead lets look at a couple actions of the followers themselves.
If one truly believes in this faith then why do they so desperately need validation from others? I speak of course of attending church. You sit their and pray in your head, praying for things you can attain yourself instead you ask "god" to provide them. They sit their asking "god" for forgiveness their transgressions, or "sins". They sit there and listen to a man speak from a book they are all suppose to read and own, explaining his take on the things they don't understand about said book instead of thinking for themselves (remember indoctrination). They attend these weekly events as they say it is required, when in reality it is no more then them seeking validation from one another. The validation that they are not alone in this faith. A faith that is suppose to be between you and god but seemingly is between you and others. But where is god?
Let us not forget those that grow violent or angry with those that do not follow this insanity. They threaten to use us, then exterminate us. Lash out at us and condemn us all for their own insecurities. These people are mentally unstable and after looking at the above you can see anyone who follows this and gets offended clearly is. If one is set and comfortable in his belief and his relationship with "god" what does it matter what i say because according to their belief we will burn in eternal damnation and they should pray for our soul. Their are those who we can pull out of the suction of stupidity that is Christianity but we must approach it with not so much of a judgemental overtone but one of inquisitive perception. Ask questions that are obvious, that put them on the spot and even if they get angry they are going to be up at night trying to convince themselves of the lies they have been indoctrinated to believe. The hole "your god is a dead Jew on a stick" routine is not going to make them think and question their ludicrous belief but simply make them defensive and aggressive to what they have been taught.
Remember always my brothers and sisters, our fight is one to awaken our kin not to alienate or persecute them. If one is hopeless then simply move on and avoid their ignorance. Nor is it our job to rile up our racial enemies. We must stay away from that until we have strength in our numbers. Because we will find us fighting our own rather then our true racial enemies, as we have now. Once we have awaken enough of our own kin the fight will be inevitable. RAHOWA! Rev Logsdon
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Arguing with a brickwall
I have been asked several times what i think about recent activism. For one, any action is better then no action. If people hit the streets and confront our enemies its far better then sitting on the Internet and complaining. Unless of course they are designed specifically for distraction and negative imagery and/or control resistance, which i will get into and another time. However recent actions leave me pondering several things and asking questions.
As a Creator i stand strict to the teachings of "never again through a serpents eye". For those that are unfamiliar with these teachings, please look it up in the White Mans bible. But it essentially teaches us to never look at life through the eyes of our enemies. To never justify, sympathize, or relate to the standpoints of our enemies. These are tactics of our enemies to pacify us to the plight of those working for our destruction. To detract us into relating to them which leads to our wanting to "work" with them because "we are working for common goals". But yet these racial enemies do not know nor care for the "plight" of the white man. They simply will use you then stab you in the back. Same can be said for christian militants who simply want to use us then openly say they will "hunt us down and kill all no Christians" after the race war. However, point being i cannot justify wasting time debating or arguing with those who are too stupid, or refuse to learn the truth. Many know the truth yet still engage in our destruction because that is their goal.
Which is the topic of this article. Arguing with communists, liberals or anti whites is nothing more then verbal masturbation. You are not going to convince them any different, because their goal is to destroy our people. If you beat them in an argument, which is easy to do, to what end. To quite the anti white crowd listening to you? Yea right they are shouting and chanting constantly to drown out what you are saying for a reason, because they know what you are saying is right!!! They just don't care. Is it for the videos put on YouTube which 99% percent of viewers are already awakened whites! Yea that's real constructive. No matter how you view it, it does not aid our cause nor does it awaken our people.
We as a people need to get away from this thinking. Instead, i will present this solution. Fight fire with fire. No not protest their event like they do ours. I am talking about their true tactics of fear and intimidation. Example, this recent Tim Wise event, in which as i can applaud those that attended (simply because action is better then inaction. And it is their choice not mine so far for me to judge.) i essentially have to ask "to what end"? What did it accomplish and how did it aid our people? It might of made a few young already anti white students double think for a second, but then they get home turn on MTV or CNN and its gone. Wasting time on those with no hope or future is essentially futile. However, getting back to the point of fight fire with fire. Find out where these people like wise live. " And before any zog agent or informant takes that the wrong way i am, nor will never present or participate in any illegal violent actions. " But after you find out where he lives, go to his neighborhood, go door to door with his picture and address, present truth about who he is and what he represents. Put out flyer's about him in his own neighborhood along the same lines. Essentially turn his own community against him, the same way they do to us! Protest in front of his house, hell flyer his neighborhood with a flyer that has his picture and say under it "Wanted for criminal sexual assault to farm animals"! (make sure you put for entertainment purposes only. As to avoid libel) anything you can do to make his life hard and send him in the shadows like they do to us. Take the fight to them, instead of meeting them on THEIR battlefield. On THEIR conditions.
And before anyone says this is easier said then done, i have done it! In my home town we had a group called NIOT (not in our town). This was more of your political intimidation and extortion based group. They used a Jewish mayor by the name Markowitz to further their gains. They succeeded in putting Racism crossed out signs on every entrance into town. The straw that broke the camels back was when my mothers work received this letter. Now there was no ties to her with me or her work, it was simply random to all local businesses. The letter stated that they were doing a seminar on racism in the workplace, it was essentially anti white with the guise of anti racist. They were inviting all employers to attend. My mothers boss was annoyed by it. My mom called me and i went down to her work to look at it. On the letter it states in order to attend said seminar/dinner you had to RSVP. So her boss called to refuse and tell them he was not interested. After saying they were not interested they told him "Sir we do not want to label your business a racist business but we will if we have to.". He told them to F off and hung up. That is extortion and intimidation! We called the police and they told us they could not do anything unless they actively defamed or protested the business because of its refusal to attend. This is essentially mob style tactics. Pay us for protection or we will send people in to rob you. Instead pay us to say your not racist or we are going to tell everyone your racist. Granite this employer called their bluff but think of how many simply paid out of fear! So between me and some locals we did our homework. Without going into detail we found out dirt on these people and exposed them. This was in 05 and as they still claim to have an office here they have not held a public seminar nor gained any foothold. The mayor who backed them was not re-elected and they slipped into obscurity.
In closing, the Jew Einstein coined the term of insanity best. Insanity: repeating the same things over and over again expecting a different result. That has been this "movement" in a nutshell. We can blame its failure on many things but the outcome of every action will be the same if you do not evolve and adapt. My racial comrades, think outside the box, trial and error and evolution are our keys to success. RAHOWA! Rev James Logsdon.
As a Creator i stand strict to the teachings of "never again through a serpents eye". For those that are unfamiliar with these teachings, please look it up in the White Mans bible. But it essentially teaches us to never look at life through the eyes of our enemies. To never justify, sympathize, or relate to the standpoints of our enemies. These are tactics of our enemies to pacify us to the plight of those working for our destruction. To detract us into relating to them which leads to our wanting to "work" with them because "we are working for common goals". But yet these racial enemies do not know nor care for the "plight" of the white man. They simply will use you then stab you in the back. Same can be said for christian militants who simply want to use us then openly say they will "hunt us down and kill all no Christians" after the race war. However, point being i cannot justify wasting time debating or arguing with those who are too stupid, or refuse to learn the truth. Many know the truth yet still engage in our destruction because that is their goal.
Which is the topic of this article. Arguing with communists, liberals or anti whites is nothing more then verbal masturbation. You are not going to convince them any different, because their goal is to destroy our people. If you beat them in an argument, which is easy to do, to what end. To quite the anti white crowd listening to you? Yea right they are shouting and chanting constantly to drown out what you are saying for a reason, because they know what you are saying is right!!! They just don't care. Is it for the videos put on YouTube which 99% percent of viewers are already awakened whites! Yea that's real constructive. No matter how you view it, it does not aid our cause nor does it awaken our people.
We as a people need to get away from this thinking. Instead, i will present this solution. Fight fire with fire. No not protest their event like they do ours. I am talking about their true tactics of fear and intimidation. Example, this recent Tim Wise event, in which as i can applaud those that attended (simply because action is better then inaction. And it is their choice not mine so far for me to judge.) i essentially have to ask "to what end"? What did it accomplish and how did it aid our people? It might of made a few young already anti white students double think for a second, but then they get home turn on MTV or CNN and its gone. Wasting time on those with no hope or future is essentially futile. However, getting back to the point of fight fire with fire. Find out where these people like wise live. " And before any zog agent or informant takes that the wrong way i am, nor will never present or participate in any illegal violent actions. " But after you find out where he lives, go to his neighborhood, go door to door with his picture and address, present truth about who he is and what he represents. Put out flyer's about him in his own neighborhood along the same lines. Essentially turn his own community against him, the same way they do to us! Protest in front of his house, hell flyer his neighborhood with a flyer that has his picture and say under it "Wanted for criminal sexual assault to farm animals"! (make sure you put for entertainment purposes only. As to avoid libel) anything you can do to make his life hard and send him in the shadows like they do to us. Take the fight to them, instead of meeting them on THEIR battlefield. On THEIR conditions.
And before anyone says this is easier said then done, i have done it! In my home town we had a group called NIOT (not in our town). This was more of your political intimidation and extortion based group. They used a Jewish mayor by the name Markowitz to further their gains. They succeeded in putting Racism crossed out signs on every entrance into town. The straw that broke the camels back was when my mothers work received this letter. Now there was no ties to her with me or her work, it was simply random to all local businesses. The letter stated that they were doing a seminar on racism in the workplace, it was essentially anti white with the guise of anti racist. They were inviting all employers to attend. My mothers boss was annoyed by it. My mom called me and i went down to her work to look at it. On the letter it states in order to attend said seminar/dinner you had to RSVP. So her boss called to refuse and tell them he was not interested. After saying they were not interested they told him "Sir we do not want to label your business a racist business but we will if we have to.". He told them to F off and hung up. That is extortion and intimidation! We called the police and they told us they could not do anything unless they actively defamed or protested the business because of its refusal to attend. This is essentially mob style tactics. Pay us for protection or we will send people in to rob you. Instead pay us to say your not racist or we are going to tell everyone your racist. Granite this employer called their bluff but think of how many simply paid out of fear! So between me and some locals we did our homework. Without going into detail we found out dirt on these people and exposed them. This was in 05 and as they still claim to have an office here they have not held a public seminar nor gained any foothold. The mayor who backed them was not re-elected and they slipped into obscurity.
In closing, the Jew Einstein coined the term of insanity best. Insanity: repeating the same things over and over again expecting a different result. That has been this "movement" in a nutshell. We can blame its failure on many things but the outcome of every action will be the same if you do not evolve and adapt. My racial comrades, think outside the box, trial and error and evolution are our keys to success. RAHOWA! Rev James Logsdon.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Brutality, the needed spark.
There is no ideology, philosophy, political aspect or organization that will be the cause of the coming race war. If history has shown us anything it is words are hollow to action. It is not our words that have been awakening our people. Sure on occasion we might find one or two here and there that are borderline anyway that awaken from our words. But in no way is it enough to bring about what we need and that is a complete revolution.
When you turn over an engine you first need a spark to get it going. We have not been nor will be that "spark". It is the pure brutality and savagery from the non white community that has enraged our people. From the growing numbers of racially motivated attacks on whites that the media cannot ignore, to the deterioration of major cities and of course the actions of the black Messiah himself Obama. I could post endless links but unless you have been living in a cave you already know. These are things that slowly spark the engine of our inevitable revolution. The more brutal the more outrage. I know you feel it as well as i. When we see these things on the news we cringe and feel the spark of hate. It effects us more as we are more enlightened and awakened. However the outrage your common white feels is one more of fear then hate. This is where we need to capitalize our efforts. To instill a sense of hope and urgency in these people. That they need to do something to protect themselves and their future. As i said before we cannot force a revolution, that will come from their brutality. What we can do is educate and prepare those that we can, while we can. While these issues are fresh in the hearts and minds of our people. make up flyer's that portray the same images and put a title like "think your safe in a multiracial society? So did these people!" be inventive with it but also give a sense of hope with THEIR actions. This will hopefully spark some action. This is simplistic and easy. If you do not want to promote an organization or ideology simply say at the end. "A victims only crime is being white and failing to act when needed. Don't be a victim and don't let anyone else." Something along those lines, point being if we see these things and do absolutely nothing but bitch about it to each other then we are a bigger part of the problem then those that perpetrate it! We also need to take great heed to what is coming and stop talking about a revolution but prepare for it. or else we will find ourselves along the lists of casualties. RAHOWA! Rev Logsdon
Religous insecurities
Religous insecurity.
I rarely comment about one of our key fundamentals of Creativity and that is our stance on other religions mainly christianity. I find many get offended by our opinions and it leads to unnecessary fights. Mainly on the internet. When i have given speeches in public about our standpoints i rarely am met with the same resistance. But many fail to realize just who and what we as Creators are simply from our restraint in vocalising our opinions. We have done so out of unity, out of cooperation and out of respect for those who fail to show us the same common courtesy. I believe this is something us as Creators need to change. If one cannot handle our opinion and respect us then they are not our brothers. Our opinion about other religions are with the problems we have with the RELIGION and not the adherent. It is due to peoples insecurities in what they believe that prompts hatred for our convictions. The same insecurity that prevents them from seeing the difference between an attack on the belief itself and not a personal attack. This is something i will break down.
I was raised in a Lutheran family, though my father wasn't religious the rest of my family was. I remember the hell of being forced to dress in uncomfortable clothes and sit for hours listening to a man read stories from a book that made no sense and then being forced to sit in Sunday school for even longer "learning" and being disciplined if i didn't remember everything or pay attention. As i got older i started seeing things that didn't make sense. I started asking questions and was scolded for asking and told it was blasphemy. My father never attended he sat at home or went fishing. He essentially had fun and accomplished house work or something while i and my grandparents were sitting doing the same thing over and over in church. This i realized later was programing. I talked to my father about it and he ceased it. This didn't come without repercussions however. He received massive backlash from my then highly religious family, my father was a man of deep convictions and would not budge from any decision he made. I was also expelled from the private christian school i attended for not conforming with the mandated attendance. I was forced to go to public schools that in my neighborhood were majority black. This is essentially the starting point that made me the person i am.
After moving on from the conventional christian lifestyle, the debate did not end. As the rest of my family was devote christians this prompted many arguments. I educated myself in all aspects including even force reading the bible endlessly. I must admit however i did not read it and study it as a believer as i was forced to do so in my childhood, but as an objectifier. I found flaw after flaw, hypocrisy after hypocrisy. Only solidifying my new resolve. As they (my family) were Lutheran i read up on Martin Luther and discovered how anti Semitic he was. So i more then willingly accepted the invitations from any who wished to debate. Including the Church's pastor, who at my shock knew absolutely nothing about Martin Luther but was an ordained Lutheran pastor! After years of debating and winning with my family i won. As some of them still claimed to be christian the same conformist programing is virtually non existent with the exception of one nephew who attends the same school. In which the school itself is such an academically lesser standard then any other school in the area as it spends more time teaching religion then what children should be learning. So with this i found my family growing more then ever. Intellectually, politically and saw them prosper more then ever. There was something to this but i still had more questions.
Why do people fall into this trap of conformity? I understand some need disciplined structure in their life. They hold on to it as a security blanket. But as an outside observer of all these other religions i discovered something very unique in all of them. A common trait, they all have the basic belief of "hope" and "faith" based viewpoints. However there is something else i noticed. The need for validation! This is something that always baffled me. Why do people need to gather in groups and profess their convictions to the sky? I understand this is essentially part of conformity but theres more to it. From Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and christianity it is the pure need for validation in others that keeps them from realizing the fallacies of their beliefs. This is complete insecurity! In any belief structure that requires "hope" and "faith" essentially your relationship is between you and "God" so why the need to gather in a large group and pray in your head? There are other reasons for this like religious profiteers who tell you to "send your money to god but give it to me" types. But theres more to it then that. While they sit in the pugh bowing their heads praying to god, peeking at others around them and constantly staring at their watches waiting for it to be over, they have no idea they have fell victim to an age old sickness. These are just as much sheep in need of awakening as the common ignorant white unaware of the world around him and his own genocide. I do not have to get into the actual teachings of Christianity with this post. Like suicidal teachings of "turn the other cheek" and "love thy enemy". I am sure many who will read this blog are aware of that and i am sure i will cover it at some point. Also if you would like to know please feel free to read Natures Eternal Religion. This is just one of many flaws i find in fundamental religions. Being a Creator we do not have these problems as ours is not a religion of "faith" but one of logic, common sense and fact. It is cold an calculated and if someone cannot agree with that then they have more of a problem with reality and not what we say.
In closing this is why those that attack us have to attack us as individuals and not our religion. The exact opposite of what we do. We attack what they believe not who they are. This is simply their insecurities and something us as creators need to learn to live with as we wish to awaken them not alienate them. We must realize this when confronting these issues. But not waste too much time with any one individual. There are many out there who will never see the light. Unlike many of our christian kin we do not seek their destruction after our victory. Like killing off all non believers like many CI followers claim and then wonder why will not work with them or support them but i will get into that at a later time. If we win then we will simply hold true to the option and freedom to believe what you want. However in a majority non christian prospering community i am sure a forceful indoctrination will be not tolerated. A faith based religion would be heckled and ridiculed. Anyway once again understand the insecurity these people live with and then you know how to approach and argument with them. RAHOWA!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Political salvation
Political salvation.
Brothers and Sisters, i have never sought politics in anyway. I find it hypocritical to complain endlessly about how corrupt our political system is, then turn around and want to be a part of that same system. To try to run for office and be a part of what most know is a far disease ridden unsalvageable system, or to support certain politicians as a lone voice in a sea of adversaries that will fight any good he tries to do... i find that hopeless. It is like throwing a good apple into a barrel of bad apples, what will happen is inevitable. I have always chosen the path of religion, religion has proven itself to be far more powerful and durable then any political system. Regimes and political ideologies rise and fall with the change of the wind, the change mutates never staying the same course or the same direction. They are easily manipulated and corrupted. That is why i chose Creativity as my path. However, i am willing to give my opinion on what works and doesn't work in today's society. This is my opinion and i hope some can take use of it if not just a passing thought. Either way politics like anything can only grow if their are those willing to put in the work.
OK let us first examine the American two party system. As we know it is flawed. Filled with corrupt rich individuals who only seek to further their goals. Mostly financial but some simply want to change society and do not need the money. Most of these types are extreme narcissists who feel they know whats best for you, yet some just like the shear power and publicity. Either way all power corrupts in its own fashion and no one is immune to that.
I am not going to do a history lesson here on how and when the rise and fall of both parties. Leave that to those who obviously cannot figure out how we got here, those who want to debate on this and that searching desperately for what to do instead of making a decision on What to do now! Many of us in the White racialist cause get tied up into this downward spiral of regurgitating information to one another without ever presenting a solution or fighting for one. Us at The Creativity Movement should defy such actions whenever we can. As is with this. Getting back to the point. The two party system has turned into conglomerations, businesses that seek only to enrich themselves and not the people. We need to first and foremost direct people away from the ying and yang system of American politics. We do not have the power, the media or the financial backing. Even the Tea party was formed from the conservative right republican party. So it contains the same corruptness and disease. No we need to think more simple, more local.
By developing a new local system free from political corruption that comes with ties to a larger political party. Yes, you lose the promotion of a larger entity. But in the end you gain the backing from who all these corrupt politicians should of been fighting for and that is the PEOPLE! But how many will ask how? For one you cannot fight them on the national level in anyway. Like a flea trying to fight and elephant, you might get a taste of blood now and then but at the end of the day, your still a flea and they are still an elephant. Let me give you an example of an idea for localised propaganda:
Dear Citizen,
I come to you today with a message of hope and determination. I seek to serve the people of this community and this community ONLY. I hold no loyalty to any political party or any purpose that does not serve this community better. Whether they are Democrat or Republican they owe their first loyalty and purpose solely to their political party. Not to the people, they may say otherwise but it is a lie and their actions speak volumes to their true purpose. The two party system has become a billion dollar business for both sides that only line the pockets of those same politicians. We elected them to represent the people of our community, to aid and serve Our community and what have they done other then serve themselves and their political agendas.
I propose this to you, elect someone that will serve this community and this community ONLY! Someone that if elected will not fight for one side or the other but instead do nothing else but what is for the greater good of this community. Our party is and shall be local and only serve the people of this community. Our representatives will be from here and live here. Not represent us from afar. We elect Senators to represent our state, yet they move to Washington DC and are suppose to represent our state, our communities that they don't even know! This is lunacy that must end! We do not have a history of corruption or greed, like the two party system has. We will listen to the needs and wants of people in this community. Because we seek only to serve you THE PEOPLE.
Blah, blah... I am sure most of you get the jist of that and it would follow with a more personalized message as like replacing "our community" would be replaced with your home town. Of course it would also be followed with the message of purpose (ideas, plans etc ) that would aid the community. If you want to put a party then choose one that signifies that locality of the party, say like your home name party, or something that symbolizes your community would give some credence. For example here in bloomington i could put BloNo peoples party, Heartland community party, land of Lincoln party, etc. And touch on issues that effect people personally, obviously. Your running for mayor or city council, mention the local unemployment and bringing more opportunities into it, road conditions, traffic, crime, whatever might effect the people and gain their interest.
Now as i stated before i personally don't seek political means with my message or goals. But if one does i ask you to consider these ideas with moving forward. Quit fighting the battle on a bigger scale and think smaller, local. Stop trying to jump to the finish line and take your first steps. Gotta crawl before you walk. I hope that gives some insight, ideas and inspires, if not just another opinion. Thank you. Rev Logsdon
Brothers and Sisters, i have never sought politics in anyway. I find it hypocritical to complain endlessly about how corrupt our political system is, then turn around and want to be a part of that same system. To try to run for office and be a part of what most know is a far disease ridden unsalvageable system, or to support certain politicians as a lone voice in a sea of adversaries that will fight any good he tries to do... i find that hopeless. It is like throwing a good apple into a barrel of bad apples, what will happen is inevitable. I have always chosen the path of religion, religion has proven itself to be far more powerful and durable then any political system. Regimes and political ideologies rise and fall with the change of the wind, the change mutates never staying the same course or the same direction. They are easily manipulated and corrupted. That is why i chose Creativity as my path. However, i am willing to give my opinion on what works and doesn't work in today's society. This is my opinion and i hope some can take use of it if not just a passing thought. Either way politics like anything can only grow if their are those willing to put in the work.
OK let us first examine the American two party system. As we know it is flawed. Filled with corrupt rich individuals who only seek to further their goals. Mostly financial but some simply want to change society and do not need the money. Most of these types are extreme narcissists who feel they know whats best for you, yet some just like the shear power and publicity. Either way all power corrupts in its own fashion and no one is immune to that.
I am not going to do a history lesson here on how and when the rise and fall of both parties. Leave that to those who obviously cannot figure out how we got here, those who want to debate on this and that searching desperately for what to do instead of making a decision on What to do now! Many of us in the White racialist cause get tied up into this downward spiral of regurgitating information to one another without ever presenting a solution or fighting for one. Us at The Creativity Movement should defy such actions whenever we can. As is with this. Getting back to the point. The two party system has turned into conglomerations, businesses that seek only to enrich themselves and not the people. We need to first and foremost direct people away from the ying and yang system of American politics. We do not have the power, the media or the financial backing. Even the Tea party was formed from the conservative right republican party. So it contains the same corruptness and disease. No we need to think more simple, more local.
By developing a new local system free from political corruption that comes with ties to a larger political party. Yes, you lose the promotion of a larger entity. But in the end you gain the backing from who all these corrupt politicians should of been fighting for and that is the PEOPLE! But how many will ask how? For one you cannot fight them on the national level in anyway. Like a flea trying to fight and elephant, you might get a taste of blood now and then but at the end of the day, your still a flea and they are still an elephant. Let me give you an example of an idea for localised propaganda:
Dear Citizen,
I come to you today with a message of hope and determination. I seek to serve the people of this community and this community ONLY. I hold no loyalty to any political party or any purpose that does not serve this community better. Whether they are Democrat or Republican they owe their first loyalty and purpose solely to their political party. Not to the people, they may say otherwise but it is a lie and their actions speak volumes to their true purpose. The two party system has become a billion dollar business for both sides that only line the pockets of those same politicians. We elected them to represent the people of our community, to aid and serve Our community and what have they done other then serve themselves and their political agendas.
I propose this to you, elect someone that will serve this community and this community ONLY! Someone that if elected will not fight for one side or the other but instead do nothing else but what is for the greater good of this community. Our party is and shall be local and only serve the people of this community. Our representatives will be from here and live here. Not represent us from afar. We elect Senators to represent our state, yet they move to Washington DC and are suppose to represent our state, our communities that they don't even know! This is lunacy that must end! We do not have a history of corruption or greed, like the two party system has. We will listen to the needs and wants of people in this community. Because we seek only to serve you THE PEOPLE.
Blah, blah... I am sure most of you get the jist of that and it would follow with a more personalized message as like replacing "our community" would be replaced with your home town. Of course it would also be followed with the message of purpose (ideas, plans etc ) that would aid the community. If you want to put a party then choose one that signifies that locality of the party, say like your home name party, or something that symbolizes your community would give some credence. For example here in bloomington i could put BloNo peoples party, Heartland community party, land of Lincoln party, etc. And touch on issues that effect people personally, obviously. Your running for mayor or city council, mention the local unemployment and bringing more opportunities into it, road conditions, traffic, crime, whatever might effect the people and gain their interest.
Now as i stated before i personally don't seek political means with my message or goals. But if one does i ask you to consider these ideas with moving forward. Quit fighting the battle on a bigger scale and think smaller, local. Stop trying to jump to the finish line and take your first steps. Gotta crawl before you walk. I hope that gives some insight, ideas and inspires, if not just another opinion. Thank you. Rev Logsdon
21st century action
I have always spoken out against "politically correct" approaches. But some may misunderstand my intentions. I take a stance against apologetic approaches not mainstream approaches. Let me break it down for you and separate the two.
Lets first take a common aggressive stand point of groups like the NSM. I have went out given speeches at their rallies and have supported them in the past, i no longer publicly support their tactics. When they plan a rally they do so very far in advance. They pull permits and send out press releases. These press releases alert all members of the media, they also post them to public forums and even email them to anti racists groups. What is the impact here. Well, first it gives law enforcement the chance to track all involved. It gives them complete control over the situation and anyone living in reality in the 21st century knows law enforcement is the last people you want in control. Then to alert the anti racists (anti whites) of your activism is like if the American forces alerted the nazis what time and day we would invade Normandy! You give them ample time to prepare and organize against you. To rally their troops so to speak. In which they can literally have over ten times your numbers which only shows their strength to your weakness. Which shows the general public who the majority is, and in our modern mobacrosy the common man goes with the majorities opinion. Now to, in my opinion the worst aspect of this approach. The Media. No matter what you do or say in today's society the Jewish-Liberal run media is going to be against us and twist things against us. But to make matters worse when you give them ample warning to advertise their way you open the gates for them. They put articles out like "neo nazis bring hate to our town" and then they seek out opposition opinions from people like the SPLC and the ADL. They portray them as the sane peace keepers who wish to stop "evil". In which every liberal befuddled white is going to back up, by donating to them and supporting them against the "evil tide of hate" that the media is portraying. Lets not forget these groups survive primarily on fear mongering from our existence.
Now to the last negative aspect. Image. As i said before i have attended many NSM rallies in the past and what i have seen on TV and the Internet it hasn't changed. Oh and this isn't some attack specifically on the NSM, they are just one of many groups who do this. But i have seen them put the most undesirable individuals up front as images for our cause. Short fat toothless woman in 1940's SS helmets and skinny pathetic looking men as security all the while the leader is in a 3 piece suit. It looks like a bunch of meth addicts, in a trailer park on an episode of COPS, with their lawyer in wait! Not to mention the swastika is simply a negative image in today's society and their isn't anything anyone can do to change that. The damage is done, it is lost, let it go!
To wrap up:
1. Police controlled "opposition" protests.
2. Anti racist advantage.
3. Media demonizing.
4. Anti whites profiteering.
5. Negative imagery.
Now brothers and sisters does this sound in anyway to you as a recipe for success? I will let you come to your own conclusions to the continuation of such things, as i am sure you will come to the same as i have.
Now to the yang of this ying. The over the top apologetic approach. Their have always been those that seek to be more "mainstream" more PC with their approach. Some do so because of the above i mentioned and want to push themselves away from those types. Some do so simply out of fear of labels and some do it simply for extreme right wing money. In the Past you had your Jon Birch societies, in more modern types you have your Council of Conservative citizens, American 3rd position, stormfront and the like. You have even had certain people go as far as trying to start groups like the "guardians of diversity". These groups have most the same intentions but take such an opposite approach and seek such acceptance that they alienate themselves. They spend more time talking about how they are "not" like groups like above, nor are they "racist" or "hate". They essentially Judas their own beliefs in their attempt to make themselves different. They are like white power "hipsters". They lie to the public about their true intentions and standpoints. When people find out the true nature they are turned off simply because of deception. They look like fools and are made out to be fools by anti whites and the media. By trying a secretive mainstream approach that the enemy is not fooled by. Saying nonsense like "we seek diversity and equality for all". They seek to try to get people elected into the same corrupt government they admit themselves is unsalvagable. They have no problem however collecting tons of money from those foolish enough to support them. Those individuals who run it live comfortably off their constituents and supporters while they who support wait for action that never comes. They focus more on those who seek more aggressive approaches with web and radio criticism. Their form of activism is mainly regurgitating news with their own spin on it. Furthering our own peoples desensitization of the problem. I call this the spinning tire syndrome (which i will go more in depth on at a later time).
So to wrap up this.
1. Seeking mainstream acceptance through denial.
2. Alienation and criticism of others.
3. Deceptive intentions.
4. Profiteering off our own kin.
5. Pointless and defeatist political endeavours.
6. Media spin and regurgitation.
Now once again does this sound like a recipe for victory? I do not consider this as damaging as the first however but still not a path to salvation. It is more common approach as the worse are society gets the more fear of public criticism rises. And not to many people are willing to stand defiant. So they seek a safer approach seeking acceptance by denying their true intentions of a white society. All while oblivious to the fact it will not stop a horde of blacks from victimizing them ore ZOG from punishing them.
Well, so what do we stay defeatist and negative from the failures of both approaches? On the contrary in all darkness there is light. I have noticed lately a few groups and causes arise which contain the positives of both approaches but very little, if any, of the above negatives. (American vikings project, Free America Rally, etc.) Young in their inceptions, they have gained headway. Time will tell if they will maintain their originality and not fall on one side or the other. However, they have seemed to harness both aggressiveness, with the mainstream feel. Without compromising their intentions, simply to appease others. I personally enjoy seeing the evolution of our cause and have hope for the future. These aspects are important to maintain if the future holds victory for them.
1. Originality and aggressiveness
2. Honesty and integrity.
3. Selflessness and cooperation.
4. Positive imagery.
5. Defiance of media and law enforcement cooperation.
6. Security and Carefulness (not to be infiltrated and pushed to either aspect by those who seek to manipulate).
They do these things and maintain their path they will see progress. I support their actions and will aid them in anything they may need. I however i am a Creator and take a different path. This is not to say i will not show up to support them or help in anyway i can like i just said. Creativity is a different beast entirely. For those unfamiliar please read Natures Eternal Religion and you will see yourself. This article is not intended as an advertisement for The Creativity Movement but a personal take on what i see. I simply wish for those who take the wrong path to awaken and evolve or quite simply fuck off and disappear into oblivion. My opinion may be too harsh for some and for that i do NOT apologize. If you are offended by what i say don't read what i write. Or feel free to take it up with me personally: 3098309485 or if you are ever in central Illinois as i rarely travel anymore 1233 holiday dr. bloomington, IL. Have a nice day. Rev Logsdon
Racial greetings,
This blog is intended for those who appreciate and enjoy my opinion. I WILL offend people, so if you are weak of heart our simply cannot take truth or criticism don't read what i write. I will be posting articles from a Creativity aspect as well from my personal viewpoint. Do not expect me to comment too much on recent news or regurgitate other news articles. If you don't already know what the problem is, you wouldn't be here. Please enjoy as i will try to stay consistent with articles both designed to piss people off and to inspire. Thank you.
Rev Logsdon
This blog is intended for those who appreciate and enjoy my opinion. I WILL offend people, so if you are weak of heart our simply cannot take truth or criticism don't read what i write. I will be posting articles from a Creativity aspect as well from my personal viewpoint. Do not expect me to comment too much on recent news or regurgitate other news articles. If you don't already know what the problem is, you wouldn't be here. Please enjoy as i will try to stay consistent with articles both designed to piss people off and to inspire. Thank you.
Rev Logsdon
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